This is one of the first great wildlife photography experiences I had. I knew that every evening a family of…

Curious Little Weasel
This little Weasel (Mustela nivalis) was living in a large field of small boulders. Every once in a while he…

Reed birds in the early morning light
Reed Buntings (Emberiza schoeniclus) and Eurasian Penduline Tit (Remiz pendulinus) in the top of a Broadleaf Cattail (Typha latifolia).

Moody Falls
I loved photographing the Skogafoss waterfall in Iceland. I won an award with the Black & White version in the…

Misty rainforest
These photos were shot on Borneo, while hiking to the summit of Mount Kinabalu. When I got home and saw…

Parakeets at a bird-feeder
Last week I spent a nice autumn coloured afternoon with the local Parakeets at the bird-feeder my neighbour has in…

Snowy garden birds
Last winter I spent a cold morning in our garden to photograph some of the local residents.

An early morning Roe Deer
I stalked this inquisitive Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus) on an early misty winter morning.

Misty mountain forest
I’ve been doing some testing on longer exposure shots of a forest in the mist. I’m not there yet, but…

Abstract ice
These are some images I shot of the huge Aletsch Glacier in the Swiss alps.

Redshank reflection
A puddle near my house attracted a lot of birds. Among those was this Redshank (Tringa totanus) in the afternoon…

Squacco Heron
A Squacco Heron (Ardeola ralloides) resting and hunting in Donana national Park

European Beaver encounters
I’ve seen quite a lot of European Beavers (Castor fiber), but only twice was one close enough to photograph.

An afternoon among Alpine Ibex
In the autumn of 2020 I spend an afternoon among a herd of wild Alpine Ibex – Capra ibex. This…

A night with wild Otters
I spent an amazing night photographing wild Eurasian Otters – Lutra lutra in a specialised hide. Here are some images…

Grey Seal pup in the snow
While guiding a workshop to a Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus) colony in the UK, it started to snow. This little…

Mountain forest trail
While hiking in Switzerland I took my drone out for some testing on a nice path winding path through the…

Abstract Starlings Murmuration
For a couple of weeks in the winter of 2015 an immense flock of Starlings would gather near my house…

Eurasian Eagle Owl
An Eurasian Eagle owl (Bubo bubo) in flight

Bathing Eurasian Sparrowhawks
A nice serie I made of two different Eurasian Sparrowhawks (Accipiter nisus) bathing in a quiet little hidden pond. …

Aerial shots of Saint-Vitte-sur-Briance, France.
Some pictures I took for municipality of the picturesque Saint-Vitte-sur-Briance, in the Limousin region of France.

Mudskipper fun
It’s always good fun to lay on a beach and spent some time with the little Mudskippers.

Durdle Door
My take on the famous Durdle Door on the Dorset coast in southern England.

Playing with Dandelions
Just playing around with my macrolens and a Dandelion’s seed-head.

Misty Alps
I absolutely love the clouds in the morning in the mountains. How they dance around the mountains and the trees.…

De Hef – Rotterdam
Commissioned work on the famous Hef-bridge in Rotterdam.

The Aurora Borealis
A selection of Aurora Borealis images I shot during the landscape photography workshop I gave with Marcel van Balkom in…

Buzzard flying past
I had a great time photographing this Buzzards.

Proboscis Monkeys of Borneo
While on Borneo, I spent a few days photographing the Proboscis Monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) in the mangrove forests.

Fairy falls
A lovely mystical waterfall I photographed a few years ago.

Crossing the see together
The native people of the Togean islands near Sulawesi have build bridges between some of the islands. After school children…

Dancing Green Whip snakes
A pair of Green Whip snakes – Hierophis viridiflavus in a mating ritual in early spring 2020.

Backlit birds
While I was in Donana national Park I practiced on some backlit silhouette shots of birds.

Waders in bad weather
I spent a few days on the dutch coastline photographing different waders, while there was a light autumn storm.

Common Ringed Plover versus Lugworm
Common Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula) struggling to get a Lugworm (Arenicola marina) out of the ground.

Inquisitive Marmot
While waiting for a herd of Alpine Ibexes to come nearer, this inquisitive Alpine Marmot (Marmota marmota) came over to…

Little Egret
A Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) in Donana National Park.

Tawny Owl
A curious Tawny Owl

Little Avocet exploring
This little Pied Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) was looking for food while mum was keeping a close eye. Every so often…

Svartifoss waterfall
I’ve guided a few photography tours on Iceland. Of which I already posted a few of the impressive waterfalls you…

Stag hiding in the cold
I spent a freezing cold morning trying to photograph Stags during rut-season in a steep mountain-forest in the Swiss Alps.…

Six-spot burnet is born
Six-spot burnet – Zygaena filipendulae

Red Fox in the snow
While taking a walk in the snow-covered dunes I came across this curious Red Fox.

A spring morning with Greylag goslings
A family of Greylag geese (Anser anser) on an early spring morning.

Waterfall of the Gods
Iceland is famous for its many impressive waterfalls. Godafoss, waterfall ‘of the Gods’, is definitely one of them. But apart…

Autumn in the Swiss Alps
Some autumn colored pictures I shot in the Swiss Alps in 2020

Bluebell forest
Pictures from a visit to the famous bluebell forest.

Parakeets in Blossom
Early spring when the Cherry trees are in blossom the Ring Necked Parakeets start sucking the sweet nectar from the…

Viking beach
This is an image of the, amongst photographers, famous coastline near the village of Vik inĀ southern Iceland. Because the…

Pioneer plants on the beach
On a beach in Iceland I took some time zooming in towards the ground. I liked the bright green Sea…

A late afternoon with Sanderlings at the coastline
In autumn I spent an afternoon photographing these little Sanderlings (Calidris alba) that you see a lot running along the…

Startrail photography
The island of Las Palmas is famous for it’s dark nights, making it perfect for star photography. While on the…

Moody mudscapes
Some black and white images of the mudflats on the north coast of The Netherlands.

Young Hedgehog
A curious young Hedgehog, or a “Hoglet”, strolling around in our garden.

A curious Little Grebe
A Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis) I shot one morning

Serene Whale
I really like this peaceful image of a whale diving for the depths to go hunting.

Alpine Ibex on a steep slope
I spent quite a few days photographing this herd of Alpine Ibex (Capra ibex) in the Swiss Alps. Alpine Ibexes…

A hidden waterfall
This is a hard to reach waterfall I found in the Swiss Alps

Colourful Kingfisher
Pictures of a Kingfisher I shot quite a few years back. With a bit of knowledge and time, Kingfishers are…